The Global Reset

15 Nov 2020

In 2010-12 I trademarked four words - RESET - UNLOCK - THE KEY These words are having their moment right now I believe in the power of words As a spirited person who is also a scientist and successful business person I understand the power of words I know that words have a vibration A powerful frequency and it is CREATIVE A creative vibration that has the power to go out and shatter what is and RECREATE it into the new To Unlock To Reset If ever there was a time to do this To connect and tap into this creative power IT IS NOW Separating from this power is not the answer Going it alone on your own 'self power' is not that answer either Reconnecting is Unity is Now is the time to UNLOCK RESET That is THE KEY and THE KEY is in YOU reset unlock thekey unlockthekey create thecreationprocess a https 3A 2F 2Flinktr ee 2FUnlockthekey a

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